Kundecases / Neas Energy A/S

Neas Energy A/S

What you can expect from SODEMANN A/S is an individual approach, flexibility, and honest process built upon open communication and thorough market/industry knowledge that dramatically simplifies the whole process. They are a partner to be relied upon from the start of the project, in the concept/budget development phase and on through the process of stand production and further support.

Their commitment to quality and understanding of client needs makes them a great partner in arriving at solutions to budget constraints, helping to meet the financial, functional and aesthetic goals of a project.

It was a great experience working with SODEMANN A/S, and I will highly recommend them to anyone who wants high quality solutions for a reasonable price.

Yulia Tchernaya
Communications & Marketing Specialist
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-og en årsag til, at flere end 10.000 professionelle indkøbere har valgt at samarbejde med os. Vi leverer storformatprint, display- og messeløsninger i den bedste kvalitet til konkurrencedygtig pris. Det har vi gjort siden 1991, hvor Jacob Sodemann stiftede virksomheden. Konstatér selv, at der er handling bag ordene – vi byder dig hellere end gerne velkommen i vores 1.700 m² showroom i Aarhus eller København. For 12. år i træk har vi opnået den højeste AAA kreditværdighed. Et bevis på et solidt økonomisk fundament og et stærkt grundlag for et godt og langsigtet samarbejde med vores kunder, leverandører og samarbejdspartnere.
Salg, Aarhus
Salg, København
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